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Sara5436's Writing Window


I like living in Missouri! I love it when there is a tornado. We get to go down into the cellar and play board games by candlelight and flashlight. My sister, Kelly, and I love to play sardines. The cellar is ours, but since it is so big, a lot of other families come into our cellar and the other kids play sardines with us. We usually have about 28 kids play sardines with us, and we make groups of four. Sardines is silent hide-n-seek in the dark. Barely any light.


Ya' know how I absolutely LOVE tornadoes? Well, there was just an F5 tornado that hit my neighbor, Nelli's house. Nelli's name is spelled weird, I  know, but her mother, Natili, now has a slight concussion. She got it when she banged her head on the edge of a table. The sharpest edge! Please pray for Johnny, her son. He has a slightly bigger concussion. Don't pray for Natili, because she is just fine, but Johnny can barely even identify my friend (And his girlfriend), Bethany. Natili is just fine, but Johnny, OUCH!


Cali? Cali! Oh, hey! I was just looking for Jewelle from  Hawaii's kitten. She's here in Missouri! Oh, I missed her so much! Cali and Jewella both are here. You should read her stories! You should also read everyone's from Alabama, ( Except for Raechel. I don't even know her!) Katyana from Egypt, and everyone's from Hawaii. They are all great, but I don't have confidence in mine. I don't think that my stories are very good. Well, I finally found Cali and she's hungrier than a bear in a swimming pool, plus, my stomach's beatin' like a Hummingbird's wings! !Adios!