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Katya3112's Writing Window

Sharks are confused, misunderstood animals. Usually, they mistake a surfer on the surfboard belly-down,as their favorite prey, a seal. The myths about sharks purposefully biting people for their own game are not true. The only sharks that don't care what they eat are the tiger sharks, bullsharks, and sometimes, if hungry enough, the shark that everyone is afraid of, The Great Whites. Once, a shark fisher (my least favorite fisher), found 9 pairs of boots, one belt, and 3 hats inside a female bullshark. Isn't that Fishy!


So, My Mom was driving down the road, going to Missouri where I was born, and she was driving along, and she ran over a nail on a road. The left front tire went flat, and, after a cussing fest from my mom (She has a real issue with that!), she calmed down and called my uncle, Patrick. He knows how to fix cars really well, and since he live only 20 minutes away, he could get here soon and replace the tire. He didn't pick up. "Ugh! I forgot he had a pool tournament today!" (He loves to play pool!) Said my Mom. The reason why we didn't flag anyone over that was driving by was because it was a very isolated back-road. "Hey Mama, remember that every tool tool box? I brought it! We can use it!" I said, so, we did! "We did it!" We cheered in unison. We went along to St. Louis and stayed there for a whole week, and my favorite part was when we went to the Lakes of the Ozarks.