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Timothy1234's Writing Window


The Dragonfly Need A Habitat

  Hi!  My name is Timothy. One day I went outside to play. Then to my eyes I saw it. It was a drangonfly. The dragonfly has four wings and a very thin body. I do believe the color of the body was blue. his eyes were hugh. The dragonfly tail was very long. Finally after checking it out, I asked my parents could I keep it. They replied yes, But where will you place the habitat?  I thougth to myself, "should I keep him or free him". so I thought and  thought until I got an idea. Yes , I will free the dragonfly. So I  released him into the air. My mom  says," anything that you love sometimes you just have to let it go  wheather it's a  cricket, caterpillar or dragonfly. They don't need a habitat they just to be free.