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Cher's Writing Window


My name is Cher and I'm a very good super speller. I can spell supercalifragilisticexpiali-docious. Do you know what does it mean? It means a way to speak I don't know. Know you know what it means.



Did you know how sharks track you down? Sharks track you down by the electricity flowing inside of you. It's impossible if a shark can flip a great white shark and bite it but once it did happen. When the shark flipped the great white shark and bit it, all the great white sharks that surrounded the enemy, sensed their own type of blood and swam away from the enemy. that's only what I know so far, but thanks for reading this article.



My favorite animal in the ocean is the dolphin because their intelligence is amazing. It'believe it's cool when the dolphin nudges the shark to be dead. My brother said it's just make-believe, but I think it's real because it starts at summer where shark week begins. That's all I can explain beacuse the rest is mysterious.



Did you see the hunger games? The summary is Katniss and Peeta got chosen to the hunger game. It's a place where you have to survive to be the winner.At the end, the people who made the hunger games, cheated and said one of them has to die even if your their tribute in the same country/city. When Katniss dropped the the hive, Katniss got dizzy and fainted for a couple of days. The other part I can't tell because I will spill the beans. Spill the beans is when I blurt out a part that is to be mysterious.When you watch the HUNGER GAMES, I hope you'll enjoy the movie.