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Rich1510's Writing Window


A family moved into a house that was haunted. They didn't know that. At night, a monstrous noise woke them up. Scratching noises came from the front yard. Skelotons and a Godzilla-like monster was coming! In the morning, the daughter was gone, and they found her in the T.V.! She was in the screen. At midnight, Again, something happened again. Moaning and groaning filled the house. Ghosts and zombies. The family wasn't able to stand it. Finally, they decided to move away.



On a cold day, a wraithlike creature crawled across the road. It had a destination in mind. Next, it waited for the bus. Obviously, it got a free ride; everybody ran away. But a ghost hunter was after it. So was Area 51. An alliance was between the two forces. The wraith slithered across the cemetery gate. Spirits of the dead rose from the graves. Little did the forces know they were approaching St. Louis Cemetery #1, the most haunted graveyard in the world. they were overwhelmed by the demons and apparitions. They started blacking out...
To Be Continued... the spirits left the cemetery into the land of the living. Word was out that the forces were weak. Unable to fight, the troops had no choice but use improvised weapons such as eggs, sticks, shoes, salt, TVs, etc. The spirits were defeated. The forces were heroes. But what about the wraith that started everything? Here's a clue: It faded away for 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 centuries.