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Personal Portfolio

This is a guide to the development of your own personal portfolio.  A portfolio is a collection of work which best represents YOU!  Your portfolio will be developed during the course of this school year and the coming years.

This guide contains objectives (goals) which you will be expected to work towards during this school year.  This is by no means a complete list.  We encourage you to develop your own objectives (goals) and products.


 1.   To develop and implement a community service project which involves the entire class.

 2.   To develop and implement a school service project which involves from 4 to 6 students.

 3.   To develop and implement an individual mentorship program.

 4.   To express one's feelings towards school via a communications medium of choice.

 5.   To express one's feelings about your parents via a medium of choice.

 6.   To express one's feelings, opinions, and ideas with a group of ten or more students.

 7.   To develop an understanding and acceptance of individual differences.

 8.   To develop an understanding and acceptance of cultural differences.

 9.   To listen to and validate different points of views.

10.   To demonstrate the problem-solving process.

11.   To demonstrate the ability to put complete trust in other individuals.

12.   To demonstrate honesty.

13.   To demonstrate the ability to use a word processing tool.

14.   To demonstrate the ability to write and send a business letter.

15.   To demonstrate the ability to conduct a business call.

16.   To develop and complete a family project.

17.   To develop and complete a project with a team of two individuals.

18.   To demonstrate money management skills.

19.   To develop and display a respect for adults holding differences of opinions.

20.   To unveil one new understanding of one's self.

21.   To demonstrate personal organizational skills.

22.   To identify and accept differences among people.

23.   To identify your individual values and beliefs.

24.   To demonstrate an understanding of positive and negative peer pressure.

25.   To create a display using one or more art mediums.

26.   To demonstrate an understanding of three or more styles of musical expression.

27.   To demonstrate leadership skills.





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