
2-1 Simple Machines

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A lever is a simple machine.  A lever is a simple machine which helps lift things.  A screwdriver is a lever because it helps to lift the cover off of a can of paint.


A wheel and axle is a simple machine.  A wheel is a simple machine that makes work easier.  Wheels turn and make things easier to move.


A pulley is a simple machine.  A pulley is a simple machine which pulls things.  Pulleys help to lift things and lower things.  A flagpole has a pulley on it.  It helps you pull the flag up, or take it down.


An inclined plane is a simple machine.  Inclined means slanted or leaning.  If you lean a board on a curb it will make it easier to ride your bike up the inclined plane.  Ramps are inclined planes which make it easier to roll things up and down.


A wedge is a simple machine.  It is a V-shaped simple machine.  A wedge can be used to hold something tight or split things apart.  If you put a wedge under a door, it will hold it open.  You can use a wedge to split a log in half.


A screw is a simple machine.  A screw is a curved incline plane.  A screw can hold pieces of wood together.


Directions: What is the primary simple machine in each of the following?

auger (used to dig holes in the ground)

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw


lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

cord and wheel (to raise a blind on a window)

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

wheelchair ramp

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

toothpaste cap

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw


lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

bike tire

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw


lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

sail rigging (to raise a sail)

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

skateboard jump

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw

drill bit

lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw


lever   wheel & axle   pulley   inclined plane   wedge   screw



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Simple Machines