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Biography Lesson - Biography Worksheet - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning



  A biography is a true story of a person's life.  Another person writes it.  This person is known as the author.  Biographies are interesting stories about people's lives.  They tell us how people lived and what they did in their lives.  Biographies help us understand many things about other people.

  Biographies written about people who lived long ago are more difficult to write than biographies written about people who are still alive.  It is impossible to ask questions of a person who lived two or three hundred years ago.  The author needs to gather the information from writings that the person may have left behind.  Some of these writings might be letters, diaries, and newspaper stories.


Answer the questions below.


1.  According to this passage, a biography is

a true story of a person's life written by the person.

a true story of a person's life written by another person.

a true story about many different people.


2.  Biographies are written about people who lived long ago and people who are still .

3.  Which is more difficult to write?

A biography about a person who is no longer living.

A biography about a person who is still alive.


4.  Biographies help us many things about other people.


5.  An is the person who writes a biography.


6.  Biographies tell us how people lived and
stories about their friends.

what they did in their lives.

stories about the author.

7.  According to this passage, information on people who lived long ago might be found in letters, diaries, and


other books.

newspaper stories.