
201-2 Where the Wild Things Are

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Where the Wild Things Are


Possible Answers


1.  Did you like the book Where the Wild Things Are?  Why?
Possible Answer:  Yes, I did like the book.  I liked Max and the trip he took.  The wild things were very funny looking.  I would like to do the same thing that Max did.


2.  Why do you think Max was in his bedroom making mischief?
Possible Answer:  I think Max was making mischief because he didn't have anything else to do.  He was all by himself.  He had some ideas to make things fun and exciting.  It looks like he didn't have a TV or anything fun to do in his bedroom.


3.  Was it right that Max's mom sent him to bed without eating anything?
Possible Answer:  I think it was right.  My mom does that to me to if I am not kind to her or say something mean like Max did.


4.  Do you think Max was kind to the wild things?
Possible Answer:  Sometimes he was kind to them and sometimes he was not.  He was kind when he played with them.  He was not very kind when he sent them off to bed with no supper.  He was also not kind to them when they said they did not want him to go.


 5.  Could the story Where the Wild Things Are really happen?
Possible Answer:  I think it could happen in a dream.  In a dream anything can happen.  I have dreams that are very funny.



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