
407-2 Mr. Potter's Pet (3 & 4)

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Mr. Popper's Pet

Possible Answers


1. Do you agree with Mr. Potter's comment that now Everest is as free as a bird, and now he will be happy?  Explain.
Possible Answer:  I do not agree with his comment.  Everest will not be happy now that he is free.  He is used to being fed food by someone.   It will be very difficult for him to find food on his own.   He has never had to do this before.  I also think it will be difficult for him to survive on his own.  He has spent his life in a cage and has been protected.   He may die now that he is out in the world on his own.

2.  What does Everest mean when he makes the following comments?  "Shot their bolt?  Had their chips? Turned their toes up?  Popped their clogs?"
Possible Answer:  He means that Mr. Popper's parents are dead.  I think it's a very funny way to describe a sad situation.  Everest has a good sense of humor about many things.

3. Do you think that Everest cares about Mr. Potter?  Give reasons for your answer.
Possible Answer:  Sometimes he is very rude to Mr. Potter, but I do believe he does care about him very much.  He came back to live with him when he could have had his freedom.  He was also very helpful in helping Mr. Potter find a housekeeper.

4.  Which of the two housekeepers who came to interview for the job would you choose for Mr. Potter?  Explain.
Possible Answer:  I don't really like either of them.  But if I have to choose one, I would choose the second one.  The first one would have been very bossy and crabby.  She would have made Mr. Potter's life miserable.  He deserves to be happy.

5. What did Mr. Potter mean when he told the second person who came to interview for the job to "Go and make sheep's eyes at someone else?"
Possible Answer:  He means she should go and try to be friendly with some other man because he's not interested in her.  He is very shy.



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