
507-2 Maniac Magee (11-15)

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Maniac Magee

Possible Answers


1. Why do you think Amanda believed Mars Bar was the one who ripped the page from her book?  Explain.
Possible Answer:  I think she considered Mars Bar a bully and the only one capable of ruining her favorite book.  She felt Maniac could never do it because he loved books.


2.  Maniac has an address.  What else does he have?
Possible Answer:  In addition to an address Maniac also has parents and a brother and sisters.  He has people who love and care about him.  He is in a home where he knows he will always have a bed to sleep in, food on the table, and clothing and shoes.


3. Maniac loves the colors of the East End, the people colors.  Why does he feel this way?
Possible Answer:  He feels this way because he sees so many colors and not just black.  He is confused why people refer to the East End people as black.  He does not see the color black, but rather many beautiful colors of browns.  He especially loves the color of Mrs. Beale's thumb.


4. Why was it so important that Maniac be called Jeffrey inside the Beale's home?
Possible Answer:  Jeffrey is the only thing he has that was given to him by his mother and father.


5.  Do you think Mrs. Beale should have allowed Maniac to use trash-talk inside of her home?  Explain your answer.
Possible Answer:  I agree with Mrs. Beale.  It is her home and she is allowed to set the rules.  We have rules at our house too.  I don't always agree with them, but I'm not the boss.



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