
3-10 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-10

3-10 Spelling List


11. human being a person or like a person:  Men, women, and children are human beings.  The dog seemed almost human.
12. student a person attending school to learn:  She is a student in our school.
13. value 1.  how useful or important something is; how much something is worth:  A dime has a value of ten cents.  This book is of great value.  2.  think something is worth a lot:  I would value anything my grandma gave me.
14. tube 1.  a long, hollow pipe of metal or other material that carries liquid or gas.  2.  a small container for things like toothpaste
15. solution 1.  explanation; the solving of a problem:  The police are seeking a solution to the crime.  2.  liquid or mixture formed by dissolving:  We made a solution of sugar and water.
16. prove 1.  show that a thing is true or right:  prove these math answers.  2.  turn out to be:  The book proved to be very dull.
17. musical of music; sounding like music.
18. suit 1.  a set of clothes:  My father's new suit is blue.   2.  satisfy:  Does this painting suit you?
19. union 1.  the joining of two or more people or things to make one.  2. The Union is a name for the United States.  3. a group of people joined to protect their jobs.
20. useful of use; giving service; helpful:  This brush is very useful.  Make yourself useful.

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