Spelling List 3-10

3-10 Spelling Tip

Vowel u sounds.
The signs for the vowel u sounds are /LongU.gif (870 bytes)/ and /2_dot_u.gif (866 bytes)/.
The vowel /LongU.gif (870 bytes)/ sound is in blue.
The vowel /2_dot_u.gif (866 bytes)/ sound is in mule.
The vowel u sounds can be spelled u-e in June and mule.
The vowel u sounds can be spelled ew in grew and knew.
The vowel u sounds can be spelled oo in loon and spoon.


Words Definitions
1. noon twelve o'clock; the middle of the day.
2. music 1.  sounds arranged so they are pleasing to hear:   He studied music at school.   I hear music in the next room.  2. written or printed notes for different sounds.
3. usually most of the time: Frank is usually hungry.
4. knew 1.  tell apart from others:  He knew many different kinds of cars.  2. have as a friend:  You knew my aunt.  3. have the facts about; be skilled in:  She knew baseball.  4.  have the facts and be sure that they are true:  He  knew that 3 and 3 are 6.
5. room 1.  a part of a house or building.  2.  space:   I haven't enough room to turn around.  There is room in this box for another book.
6. numeral a figure or group of figures standing for a number.  2, 5, 12, 117, are numerals.
7. true agreeing with the facts; correct; not made up or make-believe
8. root 1.  the part of a plant that grows under the ground.   2.  something like a root:  the root of a tooth.  3.  a word or syllable from which other words are made.
9. continue 1.  go on; not stop:  The baby continued to cry.   2.  take up; carry on:  Can we continue this game tomorrow?
10. grew 1.  become bigger; become more:  Business will grow if we advertise.  2.  live and become big:  A cactus will grow in sand.   3.  cause to grow; raise:  We grow corn on our farm.  4. become:  It grew darker.