
3-10 Spelling Test

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1. We eat lunch at .
Definition: twelve o'clock; the middle of the day.
2. I like to listen to on the radio.
Definition: sounds arranged so they are pleasing to hear.
3. We go to bed at 8:30.
Definition: most of the time.
4. Uncle Mike always a lot about baseball.
Definition: have the facts about; be skilled in.
5. Dad is going to paint my blue.
Definition: a part of a house or building.
6. The second in our phone number is 2.
Definition: a figure or group of figures standing for a number.
7. I wrote a story.
Definition: agreeing with the facts; correct; not made up or make-believe.
8. One of the tree is very big.
Definition: the part of a plant that grows under the ground.
9. She will to sleep for a few hours.
Definition: go on; not stop.
10. The pumpkin larger every day.
Definition:  become bigger; become more.
11. Our dog acts like a being.
Definition: being a person or like a person.
12 Grace is a very good .
Definition: a person attending school to learn.
13. The of a nickel is 5 cents.
Definition: how much something is worth.
14. Mom bought a of toothpaste.
Definition: a small container for things.
15. Dad knows the for it.
Definition: explanation; the solving of a problem.
16. Can you it?
Definition: show that a thing is true or right.
17. "The Sound of Music" is a good .
Definition: of music; sounding like music.
18. Dad wore a to the wedding.
Definition: a set of clothes.
19. Mom and Dad belong to a .
Definition: a group of people joined to protect their jobs.
20. A hammer can be a tool.
Definition: giving service; helpful.



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