Spelling List 3-13

3-13 Spelling List


11. caught take and hold something that is moving:  He caught the ball in the air.
12. captain a leader:  He was the captain of the army.
13. corner 1. the place where two lines or surfaces meet:  the corner of a room.  2.  the place where two streets meet.  3.  for or in a corner:  a corner cupboard.
14. electric 1.  having something to do with electricity:  an electric current.  2.  run by electricity:  an electric fan.
15. thick 1.  far from one side to the opposite side; not thin:   This is a thick stone wall.  2.  measuring from one side to the other:   This brick is two inches thick.  3.  close together:  She has thick hair.
16. current 1.  a flow:  The river has a strong current.   2.  a flow of electricity through a wire.
17. cord 1.  a thick, strong string; a very thin rope.  2. a pair of wires covered with rubber, used to connect an appliance or a lamp with the electric current.
18. drink 1. swallow liquid, such as water or milk.  2.  any liquid swallowed:  a drink of water.
19. market 1.  a place where people buy and sell things.  2. a store:  She went to the market to buy fruit.
20. climate the temperature of a specific area:  The climate in the desert is very hot and dry.