Spelling List 3-14

3-14 Spelling Tip

Double consonants.
Double consonants are in the middle of words.
Double consonants only make one sound.
Double consonants are in hurry, hello, bottom and suppose.


Words Definitions
1. pillow a bag or case filled with feathers or other soft material, usually to put under your head.
2. ribbon a long strip or band of cloth.  Ribbons are often silk or velvet.
3. hurry 1.  drive, carry, send, or move quickly:    Hurry home after the movie.  2.  a quick move:  Her hurry caused the accident.
4. hello a call to greet someone.
5. dinner the main meal of the day:  Some people have dinner at night.
6. glasses 1.  something you wear in front of your eyes to help you see.  2. containers to drink from.
7. sudden 1.  not expected:  The sudden noise made me jump.   2. quick; rapid:  Don't make a sudden move or the bird will fly away.  3. All of a sudden means quickly.
8. arrow 1.  a kind of pointed stick.  An arrow is shot from a bow.  2. a sign used to show a direction on maps and road signs.
9. connect join one thing to another; fasten together:  The firemen connected the hose the the hydrant.
10. worry 1. feel uneasy:  don't worry about me.  2. annoy:  Don't worry your dad.  3.  something to worry about:   Her biggest worry is being late.