Spelling List 3-15

3-15 Spelling Tip

Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different meanings and spellings.
Sun, sun, sent, cent, where, and wear are homophones.


Words Definitions
1. scent a smell; an odor:  The rose had a wonderful scent.
2. sent caused to go: Mom often sent him to the store for groceries.
3. brake anything used to stop or slow something down:  Bikes and cars need brakes.
4. break 1.  make come to pieces by a blow or a pull;  The ball will break a window.  2.  come apart; burst:  The bag broke.  3. fail to keep:  She broke her promise.  4.  a breaking:  A break in the water pipe caused the leak.  5.  a short stop in work:  We had a milk break.
5. need 1.  be in want of; out to have;  not be able to do without:  We need food.  2.  whatever is needed:  Their greatest need is a place to live.
6. knead to work or press into shape with the hands;  Grandma will knead the dough for the bread.
7. peace 1.  being free from war of any kind.  2.  a quiet or calm;  being still:  Can you feel the peace of the country?
8. piece one of the parts into which a thing is divided or broken; a bit or scrap; a single thing:  Put a piece of wood on the fire.  I lost one piece from my puzzle.
9. role the part one plays:  She played the role of Red Riding Hood in the play.
10. roll 1.  move along by turning over and over:  The pencil rolled under the desk.  2. turn around itself or on something; wrap:  Grandma rolled yarn into a ball.  He rolled himself up in a blanket.  3. something rolled up:  a roll of film  4.  a kind of bread: a sweet roll.