
3-17 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-17

3-17 Spelling List


11. understand 1.  get the meaning of:  Now I understand your message.  2. know well; know how to take care of:  A veterinarian understands horses.
12. however nevertheless; yet; in spite of:  I was late for lunch: however, there was plenty of food.
13. newspaper sheets of paper printed every day or week, telling the news and useful facts.
14. underground below the ground:  The water pipe is underground.
15. cowboy a person who looks after cattle on a ranch.
16. herself used instead of her or she:  She hurt herself when she fell.  She bought that sweater herself.
17. cupboard a closet or piece of furniture with shelves.
18. lunchroom a room set aside to eat lunch.
19. paintbrush a brush used to paint with.
20. breakfast the first meal of the day:  What did you eat for breakfast?

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