Spelling List 3-21

3-21 Spelling List


11. common often seen or found:  Snow is common here.
12. eggs 1.  the objects laid by female birds, fish, and reptiles.   Their young are hatched from eggs.  2.  the contents of an egg, used as food:  She eats two boiled eggs every morning.
13. written make letters or words with pen, pencil, or chalk.  He has written a story about a dog.
14. appear 1.  be seen; come in sight:  When will the stars appear:  2.  seem; look:  The apple appeared perfect, but it was rotten inside.
15. tall 1.  high:  a tall building.  2.  hard to believe:  a tall story.
16. swallow 1.  take into your stomach through your mouth.  2. a small bird that can fly very fast.
17. addition the act of adding:  You are doing addition when you add 2 + 3.
18. necessary unable to do without:  Water is necessary for us to live.
19. suggest bring a thought or plan to your mind:  He suggested a hike, and we agreed. 
20. lesson something to be learned or taught.