
3-22 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-22

3-22 Spelling Tip

The sounds m and r.
The m sound can be spelled mb.
The m sound is in lamb and climb.
The r sound can be spelled wr.
The r sound is in wrap and write.


Words Definitions
1. thumb 1. the short, thick finger of the hand.  2.  a part that covers the thumb:  There was a hole in the thumb of my mitten.
2. numb unable to feel:  My hands were numb from the cold.
3. method a certain way of doing something:  Will you show me the method to fix that?
4. moment 1. a very short space of time:  In a moment it will be dark.   2.  a certain point of time:  The phone rang the very moment there was a knock on the door.
5. symbol something that stands for something else:  The eagle is a symbol of America.
6. mouth 1. the opening through which you eat and talk.  2. an opening like a mouth:  the mouth of a cave, the mouth of a river.
7. modern of today; not old:  That is a very modern car you have.
8. mine 1.  belonging to me:  This cap is mine.  2. a large hole dug in the earth to get out minerals:  We saw a gold mine.
9. curve 1.  a line that has no straight part.  2.  form a line that has no straight part:  The road curves to the left.  3.  a bend:  That curve in the road is dangerous.
10. message words or ideas sent from one person to another.

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