
3-23 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-23

3-23 Spelling List


11. born bring forth:  That baby was born on Sunday.
12. chance something that may happen.
13. season 1.  one of the four parts of a year; spring, summer, fall or winter.  2. improve the taste of:  The soup was seasoned with pepper.
14. enemy 1.  one who is against you or wishes to harm you.   2.  anything that will do harm:  Pollution is our enemy.
15. narrowly closely:  He narrowly missed being hit by the ball.
16. knowledge what you know or what is known.
17. neighbor someone who lives nearby.
18. necklace a chain or string of beads, worn around the neck.
19. knob 1.  a lump:  Some old tree trunks have knobs.   2.  the handle of a door or of a drawer.
20. kneel go down on your knees.

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