Spelling List 3-26

3-26 Spelling List


11. different not alike; separate:  These flowers are all different.
12. bent 1.  become crooked:  The board began to bend as she waked on it.  2.  make crooked:  Try to bend this stick.  3. move the top of your body toward the ground:  Bend over and touch your toes.
13. front 1.  the first part:  The part that faces forward:   The front of the house was painted.  2.  at or in the front:  the front door, a front apartment.
14. important meaning a lot; valuable:  It is important to go to school.  The president is an important person.
15. silently without any sound:  The cat crept silently through the grass.
16. present 1.  give:  They are going to present a gift to the policeman.  2. something presented: I received a present.  3. introduce; make known:  She was presented to the queen.  4. being here; not absent:  Three people are present.  5. At present means now.
17. represent to serve as a sign or symbol:  The U.S. flag represents our country.
18. amount a sum:  No amount of coaxing would make Mother change her mind.  What is the amount he owes you?
19. count 1.  name numbers in order:  He can count to one hundred.  2. add up:  She counted the pennies.  3.  be of value:   What we do counts more than what we say.
20. giant 1.  in stories, a person of great size or of very great power.  2. huge:  a giant sandwich, a giant footprint.