
3-31 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-31

3-31 Spelling Tip

The o sound.
The sign for the o sound is /Curve_O.gif (884 bytes)/.
The o sound is in off, often, and across.
The o sound is spelled aw in draw and saw.
The o sound is spelled au in sauce and cause.
The o sound is spelled ough in bought and brought.


Words Definitions
1. often many times:  It often snows in January.
2. across 1. from one side to the other:  It is two miles across this lake.  2.  on the other side of:  My house is across the road.
3. toss 1.  throw gently with the palm of the hand upward; cast; fling:  She tossed the ball to the the baby.  2.  throw about:  The cork was tossed about by the waves.  3. lift quickly:   The wild horse tossed its head and galloped away.
4. sauce a thick or thin liquid, served with or on food.   Some sauces are sweet.
5. brought come with something from another place:  He brought two cookies.
6. cause 1.  something that makes something else happen:  What was the cause of the fire?  2.  make happen:  A sudden noise caused me to jump.
7. floss a soft thread.
8. boss 1.  a person who hires people to work or who watches over and directs them.  2.  be the boss of; direct; control.
9. taught help learn; show how to do; make understand; give lessons:  She taught her dog to shake hands.
10. because for the reason that; since:  Pat called us in because supper was ready.

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