Spelling List 3-32

3-12 Spelling List


11. bottle a container, usually made of glass and without handles, used for liquids.
12. handle 1.  the part of the thing you take hold of.   Pans, suitcases, rakes, have handles.  2. touch, feel, or use with the hand:  Don't handle the vase.
13. model 1.  a small copy:  a ship model.   2. make or shape:  Let's model an elephant from clay.
14. settle 1.  agree upon:  Let's settle the question of what we're going to do.  2.  go to live somewhere:  The Pilgrims settled in Plymouth.  3.  be or put in a pleasant position:  The lost girl settled down in the big chair.
15. cattle cows on a farm or ranch:  The farmer moved the cattle to another field.
16. uncle your father's or mother's brother or your aunt's husband.
17. single 1.  only one:  What do you do with a single sock?  2.  not married:  He is a single man.
18. angle 1.  a corner:  A square has four equal angles.  2.  to present from a particular point of view:  Do you understand the author's angle in the book.
19. needle 1.  a thin, pointed tool for sewing.  2. a long, thin, pointed rod for knitting.  3.  a pointer on a compass or dial.  4.  a sharp, hollow tool used by doctors to give shots.  5. the leaf of some evergreens.
20. juggle do tricks that require skill in balancing or catching.