Spelling List 3-34

3-34 Spelling Tip

The er sound.
The sign for the er sound is /1Dot_er.gif (889 bytes)/
The er sound is spelled ir in third and first.
The er sound is spelled ur in fur and turn.
The er sound is spelled or in short and for.


Words Definitions
1. third 1.  next after the second; 3rd.  2. one of 3 equal parts.
2. morning the early part of the day, ending at noon.
3. worse 1.  not as well:  She feels worse today.  2.  less good: The second story was worse than the first one.  3. in a less good way:  The child behaves worse when his parents are gone.
4. turtle an animal having a thick, hard shell.  Turtles move very slowly.
5. worst 1.  least well:  This is the worst I've ever felt.  2.  least good:  That's the worst movie I've ever seen.   3. in the least good way:  The dog acts worst when it's hungry.
6. century a period of 100 years:  Do you know anything about the 18th century?
7. fur 1. the coat of hair that covers many animals:  a kitten's fur.  2. made of fur:  a fur coat.
8. thirsty needing water: The baby is thirsty.
9. record 1. write down in order to remember.  2. facts written down.  3. a round, flat object that gives off sounds when its top surface is touched by a needle:  We played some records.  4. the facts about what someone has done:  My teacher said I have a fine record at school.  5. Break a record can mean do something better than anyone has ever done it before.
10. return 1. go back; come back:  She will return in a moment.  2. the going or coming back:  We look forward to the return of spring.  3. bring back; pay back:  Did you return the books to the library?