
3-34 Spelling Test

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1. He was  in line, not first or second!
Definition: next after the second.
2. "Good  !" he said to her at 8:00 A.M.
Definition: the early part of the day, ending at noon.
3. She felt  today than yesterday.
Definition: not as well, less good.
4. The  moves very slowly on the ground.
Definition: an animal having a thick, hard shell.
5. It was the  food we have ever eaten!
Definition: least well,  least good: 
6. This is the 21st .
Definition: a period of 100 years
7. The kitten's  is very soft.
Definition: the coat of hair that covers many animals.
8. She was very  after the race.
Definition: needing water
9. Please  what is said at the meeting!
Definition: write down in order to remember.
10. She will   in a short time.
Definition: go back; come back.
11. Put your chairs in a !
Definition: a line that is equally far at every point from the center.
12 Use the numbers to  out the answer!
Definition: a mark or sign that stands for a number, such as 1, 3, 4.
13. Please  the distance from here to there!
Definition: find the size or amount of anything.
14. The boys talked the entire movie.
Definition: through the whole time of
15. The  wore a beautiful dress.
Definition: a female child.
16. Father took a trip around the .
Definition: the earth
17. She drew a nice  of him.
Definition: a drawing or painting made to look like someone or something.
18. The ground was very  under his feet.
Definition: not moving when pressed or pushed.
19. Use your hands to  the clay into a ball.
Definition: a shape, make into a shape
20. Wash your hands  you eat!
Definition: earlier than.



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