Spelling List 3-36

3-36 Spelling List


11. noon twelve o'clock; the middle of the day.
12. roof 1. the top of a building:  2. something like a roof:  the roof of your mouth.
13. usually most of the time:  Fran is usually hungry.
14. goods things for sale.
15. full able to hold no more:  The cup is full; don't try to put more in it.
16. root 1.  the part of a plant that grows under the ground.  2.  something like a root:  the root of a tooth.  3.  a word or syllable from which other words are made.
17. gun a weapon that shoots bullets.
18. root-word a word or part of a word that is used as a base for forming other words:  New in the root of renew.
19. continue 1.  go on; not stop:  The baby continued to cry.  2.  take up; carry on:  Can we continue this game tomorrow?
20. funny 1. causing laughter.  2.  strange; queer; odd in speech or acts.