
3-36 Spelling Test

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1. We listened to the  of the bees in the field.
Definition: make a steady sound like that of a bee
2. The wings of the  beat so fast!
Definition: a tiny, brightly colored bird.
3. He worked on the difficult .
Definition: a problem or task to be done for fun
4. Put your clothes in the wash .
Definition: a large bowl for washing clothes.
5. The crowd shouted, "!"
Definition: a shout of joy.
6. She gave a  on the rope.
Definition: a hard pull
7. We put yellow  on our hot dog!
Definition: a plant whose seeds have a sharp, hot taste.
8. The  was very beautiful this morning.
Definition: the time when the light appears in the morning.
9. The  was full of red and blue color.
Definition: the time when the light is last seen in the evening.
10. The baby crawled on its  on the floor.
Definition: stomach
11. We will meet at  
Definition: twelve o'clock; the middle of the day.
12 Snow fell on the  of the building.
Definition: the top of a building.
13. The baby is  hungry at 6:00 A.M.
Definition: most of the time.
14. They sold their  at the Farmer's Market.
Definition: things for sale.
15. The bucket is .
Definition: able to hold no more.
16. The plant   went deep into the ground.
Definition: the part of a plant that grows under the ground.
17.  can be very dangerous!
Definition: a weapon that shoots bullets.
18. The  of renew is new.
Definition: used as a base for forming other vocabulary.
19. We will  to climb the mountain.
Definition: go on; not stop
20. The joke was very .
Definition: causing laughter.



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