
4-13 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-13

4-13 Spelling List


11. shower 1.  a short rain:  We had a shower this evening.   2.  anything like a rain:  A shower of sparks fell from the log.  3. a bath in which water pours down in small jets.
12. tower a high building or a high part of a building.
13. drown to suffocate in a liquid and especially in water.
14. downtown the main business district.  We went downtown to buy groceries.
15. blown being swollen or inflated.
16. town a community smaller than a city.
17. mown cut down.  Dad has mown the lawn twice this week.
18. powder material turned to dust by pounding or grinding it.  Powder feels soft.
19. owl a bird with big eyes and a short, curved bill.
20. drowsy ready to fall asleep.

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