Spelling List 4-30

4-30 Spelling List


11. dreary not cheerful; gloomy:  A cloudy day is a dreary day.
12. teammate a fellow member of a team:  She was a teammate on the soccer team.
13. worship show great respect and love for something:  Some people go to a church or a synagogue or a mosque to worship.
14. tortoise a turtle that lives on land.
15. suspect 1.  imagine to be so:  The bear suspected danger when he saw the trap.  2. believe someone or something to be bad:  We suspected the woman was lying.
16. horizon the place where the earth and sky appear to meet:  The horizon was bright with the rising sun.
17. fearless having no fear.
18. laboratory a building or room where scientists work and do experiments.
19. horror feelings of dread:  The movie was filled with horror and sadness.
20. birch a tree with smooth bark and hard wood.