Spelling List 4-32

4-32 Spelling List


11. wolves more than one wolf.  A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a dog.
12. successes more than one success.  A success is  the wished-for ending; good fortune.
13. clothes coverings for the body:  Dresses, jeans, and shirts are clothes.
14. suffixes more than one suffix.  A suffix is a syllable put at the end of a word to change its meaning.
15. leaves more than one leaf.  A leaf is a thin, flat, usually green part of a plant.
16. cactuses more than one cactus.  A cactus is a desert plant with thorns.
17. touches put the hand on or against something and feel it:  She touches the plant very carefully.
18. wharves more than one wharf.  A wharf is a platform out from the shore, so ships can load and unload.
19. calves more than one calf.  A calf is a baby cow, elephant, or whale.
20. marches more than one march.  1.  the act of marching: We went on two marches during the trip.  2.  a piece of music to march by: The band played two marches during the parade.