Spelling List 4-34

4-34 Spelling List


11. cheddar a hard white, yellow, or orange cheese with a flavor from mild to strong.
12. chemistry the science of molecules and atoms.
13. cheery of good spirits.  It was a time to be cheery.
14. character a person in a story.
15. cheat to deceive or fraud someone of what they deserve:  Do not cheat during the game.
16. cheap less than in quality or price:  The shirt was very cheap to buy.
17. chuckle 1.  laugh to yourself.  2.  a soft laugh; quiet laughter.
18. checkers a checkerboard game for two players each with twelve pieces each.
19. chimney a tall column built to carry away smoke.
20. challenge a call to engage in a contest of skill, strength, etc.