Spelling List 5-23

5-23 Spelling Tip

The s sound.
The s sound is spelled with a ce in the words fence and dance.
The s sound is spelled with a sc in the words science and scent.
The s sound is spelled with ss in the words guess and happiness.


Words Definitions
1. fencing 1.  act or sport of fighting with swords or foils.   2.  material for fences.  3.  fences.
2. police 1.  the people who protect us and catch those who break the law.  2.  of the police:  a police car, a police station, the police department.
3. scientific systematic knowledge of the physical or material world.
4. expression 1. the act of expressing something, especially in words.  2. a particular word or phrase.  3. indication of feeling, character, etc.  4. a symbol or combination of symbols representing a value or relation in math.
5. guess 1.  an idea you have that may not be right:  My guess is that the tree is ten feet high.  2.  think without really knowing: I guess it will rain tomorrow.
6. absence 1.  a being away.  2.  time of being away.   3.  a being without; lack.
7. recent 1. lately happening, done or made.  2. a time not long past.
8. mass 1. a body of coherent matter of indefinite size or shape.  2. a considerable number or quantity.  3. done repeatedly.
9. princess a non-reigning female member of the royal family.
10. device 1.  something invented, devised, or fitted for a particular use or special purpose.  2.  a plan, scheme, or trick.