Spelling List 5-25

5-25 Spelling Tip

The prefixes extra- and pro-.
A prefix is part of a word that is placed before another word.
The prefix extra- means out of, beyond.  The prefix extra- is added to the word extraordinary, which means out of the ordinary.
The prefix pro- means forward, before.  The prefix pro is added to the word proceed, which means to go before.


Words Definitions
1. promote 1.  raise in rank, condition, or importance:  Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade.  2.  help to grow or develop: help to succeed.  3.  help to organize; start:  Several bankers promoted the new company.  4.  further the sale of (an article) by advertising.
2. extract 1.  pull out or draw out, usually with some effort: extract a tooth.  2.  obtain by pressing, squeezing, etc.  extract oil from olives.
3. protect shield from harm or danger; shelter; defend; guard:   Proper food protects a person's health.
4. production 1.  act of producing; creation; manufacture: the production of automobiles.  2.  something produced:  the yearly production of a farm.  3.  amount produced:  a decline in production.
5. progress 1.  an advance or growth; development; improvement.   2.  get better; advance; develop.  3.  a moving forward; going ahead. 
6. extraordinary beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; very remarkable:   Eight feet is an extraordinary height for a person.
7. extravagant 1.  spending carelessly and lavishly; wasteful:  An extravagant person has extravagant tastes and habits.  2.  beyond the bounds of reason:  an extravagant price, extravagant praise.
8. prolong make longer; extend; stretch; protract: prolong a visit.   Good care may prolong a sick person's life.
9. proclaim make known publicly and officially; declare publicly: proclaim a holiday.
10. proceed 1. go on after having stopped; move forward.  2.   carry on any activity.  3.  come forth; issue; go out:  Heat proceed from fire.