
5-30 Spelling Test

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1. enjoy the movie.
Definition: they did
2. like to order desert now.
Definition: we would
3. you going to call me last night?
Definition: were not
4. understand the math problem.
Definition: you would
5. my best friend.
Definition: she is
6. "I thought of that," Sean said.
Definition: had not
7. won the blue ribbon.
Definition: you have
8. all been invited to the party.
Definition: we have
9. our new neighbors.
Definition: they are
10. I ask you the answer.
Definition: will not
11. play football tomorrow.
Definition: let us
12 " you going too?" Nancy asked.
Definition: are not
13. I cheat on the test.
Definition: would not
14. We eaten breakfast yet.
Definition: have not
15. enjoy the new book.
Definition: he would
16. been on vacation for three weeks.
Definition: they have
17. Rod studied for the science test.
Definition: should have
18. Sally ever give up.
Definition: must not
19. Our class won the contest.
Definition: could have
20. My teacher helped me if I asked him.
Definition: would have



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