
5-35 Spelling List

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Spelling List 5-35

5-35 Spelling List


11. significance 1. importance; consequence:  The president wanted to see him on a matter of significance.  2. meaning:  She did not understand the significance of my nod.
12. allowance 1.  a sum of money given or set aside for expenses.   2.  amount subtracted to make up for something; discount:  The salesman offered us an allowance of $400 on our old car.  3.  allowing; conceding: allowance of a claim.
13. defiance a defying; standing up against authority and refusing to recognize or obey it; open resistance to power:  the colonists; defiance of the king led to war.
14. reliance 1.  trust or dependence:  an unhealthy reliance on other people's opinions.  2.  confidence.
15. resistance 1.  act of resisting:  The bank clerk made no resistance to the robbers.  2.  power to resist.  3.  thing or act that resists: opposing force; opposition.
16. confidence 1.  firm belief or trust.  2.  firm belief in oneself; self-confidence.  3.  trust that a person will not tell others what is told to him.  4. thing told as a secret.
17. allegiance 1. the loyalty owed to one's country or government: I pledge allegiance to the flag.  2.  loyalty to any person or thing.: We owe allegiance to our friends.
18. residence 1.  the place where  a person lives; house; home; abode.  2.  a residing; living; dwelling.  3.  period of residing in a place:  They spent a residence of ten years in France.
19. experience 1.  what happens to a person; what is seen, done, or lived through.  2.  knowledge or skill gained by seeing, doing, or living through things; practice.  3.  have happen to one; feel:  experience great pain.
20. difference 1.  being different.  2.  way of being different; point in which people or things are different.  3.  amount by which one quantity id different from another:  what is left after subtracting one number from another:  The difference between 2 and 6 is 4.

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