Spelling List 5-5

5-5 Spelling List


11. migrate to move from one country, place, or locality to another: The monarch butterflies will soon migrate south.
12. pilot 1.  person who steers a ship or boat.  2. person trained to steer ships in or out of a harbor or through dangerous waters.  3.  person who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft in flight.  4.  act as the pilot of; steer.  5.  a guide; leader.  6. to guide; lead.
13. python a very large snake of Asia, Africa, and Australia that is related to the boa and kills its prey by squeezing.
14. minor 1.  less important; smaller; lesser:  a minor fault.   2.  of a lower rank or order:  a minor league baseball player.  3. person under the legal age of responsibility (18 or 21 years)  4. subject or course of study to which a student gives less time than a  major subject.
15. gigantic big like a giant; huge:  An elephant is a gigantic animal.
16. triangle 1.  a plane figure having three sides and three angles.   2.  something shaped like a triangle.  3.  a musical instrument consisting of a triangle of steel, open at one corner, that is struck with a steel rod.
17. cycle 1.  a period of time or complete process of growth or action that repeats itself in the same order.  2.  a complete set or series: a cycle of songs.  3.  a very long period of time; age.  4. bicycle, tricycle, or motorcycle.  5.  ride a bicycle, tricycle, or motorcycle.
18. tripod 1.  a three-legged support or stand for a camera, telescope, etc.  2.  stool or other article having three legs.
19. mileage 1.  miles covered or traveled.  2.  miles traveled per gallon of gasoline.  3.  length, extent, or distance in miles.  4.  an allowance for traveling expenses at so much a mile.
20. liar one that tells lies.