Spelling List 5-8

5-8 Spelling Tip

Vowels ei and ie.
The vowels ei usually make the /LongA.gif (864 bytes)/ sound.
The vowels ei with the /LongA.gif (864 bytes)/ sound are in weigh and neighbor.
The vowels ie usually make the /LongE.gif (859 bytes)/ sound.
The vowels ie with the /LongE.gif (859 bytes)/ sound are in field and grief.


Words Definitions
1. eighteen eight more than 10; 18.
2. freight 1.  goods that a train, truck, ship, or aircraft carries.  2.  the carrying of goods on a train, ship, aircraft, or truck.  3.  price paid for carrying goods.  4.  train for carrying goods.  5. load with freight.  6.  carry as freight.  7.  send as freight.
3. weird a queer or bizarre person or thing.
4. unbelievable not believable; incredible:  an incredible lie.
5. neither 1.  not either.  2. not yet; nor:  They didn't go; neither did we. 
6. fielder (in baseball, cricket, etc.) a player who stops or catches and throws the ball in.
7. weightless 1. having little or no weight:  weightless snow.  2.  being free from the pull of gravity.
8. either 1. one or the other of two.  2. each of two.  3.  any more than another.
9. shield 1.  piece of armor carried on the arm to protect the body in battle.  2.  anything used to protect.  3.  something shaped like a shield.  4.  be a shield to; protect; defend.
10. patience able or willing to wait.  My teacher has a lot of patience with her students.