
6-2 Spelling Test

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1. The decision was very .
Definition: disliked by many people.
2. The costume looked very .
Definition: not actual, or genuine.
3. The defensive team was   for the reverse.
Definition: not ready.
4. It was an  rule of the club.
Definition: not using speech to express something.
5. She was very  when it came to the outdoors.
Definition: not ready to take risks or deal with the new and unknown.
6. He was  of the dark cave
Definition: not filled with fear or dread.
7. His handwriting was very .
Definition: not able to read easily or impossible to read.
8. His behavior was very .
Definition: unsatisfactory.
9. His decision was  even after the good deed.
Definition: remaining the same.
10. The chair was very  to sit in.
Definition: not content, troubled.
11. The loaf of bread was .
Definition: not cooked.
12 They were an  couple.
Definition: not united in the legal relationship in which a man and woman enter for the purpose of making a home and usually raising a family.
13. Please pay the ransom in  bills.
Definition: not noticeable, inconspicuous.
14. There is an  man in town.
Definition: not recognized.
15. The front door is .
Definition: not secured.
16. The behavior was  for a lady.
Definition: unsuitable.
17. The football team was  this season.
Definition: not capable of being defeated.
18. The Spring floods were very  for the town.
Definition: likely to bring misfortune.
19. The Lost & Found has many  items.
Definition: undeclared.
20. The child was  in the car accident.
Definition: no damage or loss sustained, usually to a body part.



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