
6-24 Spelling Test

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1. Rachel is a very student.
Definition: capable
2. A accident caused the injury.
Definition: new, fresh
3. I have only one who will attend the concert.
Definition: one that is a father or mother
4. We will our school play on Thanksgiving .
Definition: display, show
5. Red pepper is very and hot!
Definition: powerful
6. My mom says I'm a very student.
Definition: showing steady and earnest care and effort
7. The library has the issue of the magazine.
Definition: occurring in or belonging to the present time
8. I make use of my time after supper.
Definition: capable of producing desired results especially without waste of time
9. My friends made a project for the science fair.
Definition: fairly good; adequate
10. Do you know who the of our country is?
Definition: the chief executive officer or the chief of state in a republic
11. He wrote his name with a marker.
Definition: lasting or intended to last for a very long time
12 Grandpa and Grandma are visitors at our house.
Definition: happening often
13. I was in returning my book to the library.
Definition: being overdue in payment
14. Always eat a breakfast.
Definition: enough to achieve a goal or fulfill a need
15. My older sister is an .
Definition: teenager
16. The correct answer was me.
Definition: clear to the understanding; evident
17. Do you know what the missing is?
Definition: a number that is to be added to another
18. I painted the shape a light yellow.
Definition: the shape of the visible moon during about the first week after a new moon or the last week before the new moon
19. The actress is a person in Hollywood.
Definition: easily noticeable
20. Our building will repair the leaky faucet.
Definition: to be in charge of; direct



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