
6-6 Spelling Test

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1. The Indians want to  their land.
Definition: to change to a desirable condition or state
2. You will need to  the batteries.
Definition: to give an electric charge to
3. Go back and  the building!
Definition: to come in again
4. She may  the bet.
Definition: to double again
5. Please  this sliver from my finger.
Definition: to change or cause to change to another location, position, station, or residence
6. Please  the meaning of "good behavior."
Definition: to restate the meaning of
7. The   allowed him to shoot a basket.
Definition: to spring back on hitting something
8. We must  the plastic bottles.
Definition: to process in order to regain materials for human use; recover
9. Please  the furniture in the living room.
Definition: to move again usually in a different way
10. We must  the money we lost last night.
Definition: regain
11. Please  the boat motor.
Definition: to provide with or take on more gas, oil, etc.
12 She will   the money she lost.
Definition: recover
13. Can you  this chair?
Definition: to return to good shape
14. We'd like to  that he won the election.
Definition: to establish more strongly
15. We are going to ask for a  of the votes.
Definition: to tell about in detail
16. You don't need to  the wheel.
Definition: to create or discover again
17. How will you  his trust?
Definition: to get back to
18. The voters are asking for a  of the President.
Definition: to command to return
19. The doctor can  his knee.
Definition: rebuild, remodel
20. I'd like you to  your homework.
Definition: do over or again



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